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Crop Shade
Call Us 888-966-7877

Creating Customer Satisfaction
for 31 Years!

- Crop Shade for Orchards, Vineyards, Hemp Farms and Other Large Scale Farming Applications -


crop shade

Crop Shade provides shade cover over Orchards, Vineyards, Hemp Farms and Other Large Scale Farming Applications. Crop Shade provides a relatively low cost modified environment for improved crop production and increased quality output. Due to the relatively modest inputs required and potentially high profitability, Crop Shade is rapidly emerging as a desirable system for many specialty crop producers. Growers use the Crop Shade to extend growing seasons, reduce environmental variability, increase yields, improve crop quality, and increase income. Unlike most growing environments, Crop Shade is controlled automatically and do not require heating and cooling systems. The microclimate within structures covered by Crop Shade is strongly influenced by the outside environment. For example, the air temperature without Crop Shade can rise to hazard levels on a sunny and warm day or even in the spring. On the other hand, the internal air temperature under Crop Shade will be lower than the external air temperature due to thermal radiation losses. In addition, at night under clear skies without heat preservation practices, such as the use of shade screens heat will be lost to the environment that would have been helpful to crops. Plant growth and development halt when temperatures decrease below the base temperature or increase to above the optimum temperature.

 Black Shade Reflective Shade Cloth Under The Shade Color Shade Red Shade White Shade Inside Shade




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EncepCo, LLC

an EncepCo, LLC Company
PO Box 914
Benton City, WA 99320

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